Wednesday, August 31, 2005


This week I have not been keeping very well informed or allowing myself to be saturated by the constant news reports - have kept my head down, stayed about my business, though praying for the people and for the animals impacted by this disaster. Mostly when I reflect on this, it's with a leaden feeling, and an inability to grasp the full scope of horror and shock that people are facing, or what they may have faced as they died. I think often of people who died in terror or who simply could not endure, and pray that God did not abandon them in those last hours.

Tonight is the first time I really watched a significant amount of news. I often feel skeptical of what passes for civilization in this country, but when you get such an example of what occurs when that inhibition is lifted, it certainly hits home what a thin veneer it is that keeps us humans from our cannibal nature. In times like these we show our true essence, I believe. And so we see both the predation that makes me ashamed of our species (not that there weren't reasons before now) and the heroism far beyond what others might guess was in our capacity.

Links below are where I've sent my money, if you need suggestions on where to send yours.

American Red Cross
United Animal Nations - Emergency Animal Rescue Service
Noah's Wish

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