Sunday, November 06, 2005

Love without risk

I learned something about me today. Actually I learned this last summer but today it reappeared with clarity. This is purposely vague because the details do not belong only to me. But I spoke to someone I love, just opened my heart and let its words rise. They were thrown back at me today in an angry wave, and...the wave washed through me without any harm at all. I bowed my head a minute, expecting some recoil or objection to awaken and mount a defense. And it just didn't happen. I realized that I was bowing my head to honor his strong emotion, but where the wave actually touched me it was calm and moved smoothly through. My throat was aching, but I realized that was for his pain, not mine. Do I wish it were different? I don't know. I don't think I would have done anything differently because my motives were pure and I had no agenda in mind. But while I've had my love thrown away about a dozen times by lovers and partners and friends, this is the first time I've noticed that as it lies discarded, it's no less sparkling and warm among the other small treasures forgotten in the sand. I have not found it in me to love many (any?) people with that much largeness of heart. Now naturally it's the way of life on Planet Peg that an unprecedented piece of love and care still gets ashcanned with the many, many other less noble attempts. But today I'm planted true and I open my hands and I ask the next wave to come.


Crowzma said...

It is called a state of grace. It is a destination. I have rarely reached it, but always, I have believed such a place existed. One day, perhaps, my roots will take. Till then, I am glad to know when my feet have touched this shore. I love you.

Peg said...

Well, my state of grace was accompanied by a terrible headache through the night. I woke up with the near-migraine pain over and over. But with no anxiety of thought, or any knitting and unraveling of what happened or what I should have said. A wish that I knew how to ease my friend's burden and make a clear path through his angry thoughts. A few times it occurred to me that I would place a hand on him and absorb all of it away so he could find a path to healing, but honestly I think an act of empathy would be nearly unbearable. I am used to showing love in a way that does rather than love that simply is.

Crowzma said...

So, that's why I'm having migraines. Sorry about yours. Sometimes love that simply is is the best we can do. It hurts, though. I guess our heads absorb the pain, even when our brains have signed off and said, "that's all. It's right. It simply is."