Wednesday, November 30, 2005


The verdict is, I liiiiiiiike it! Busy at work all day, no time for web surfing to dink around and check what's up of interest. Get home and with just one Bloglines login, I get my daily dose of imagery, read two jokes from Comedy Central, get the Wordsmith word of the day, see the status of every blogger I follow (only Dephal has written new stuff and I pick up those two posts), and cruise a couple of the 36 new article headlines at Motley Fool, and see that everything else I currently follow online has no new news. My online experience feels very shiny and manageable!

Sure hope they come up with Lifelines soon.


Phyllis said...

Hey, Peg, Bloglines is way cool! Thanks for sharing--it will come in handy.

Knatolee said...

Oy! Phyllis has made a sexy new appearance at: