Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Since JD is headed back to Cordova in the morning, we had a gather at Keith's tonight - the boys did their usual spectacular job of cooking (deep-fried turkey, salad, yams and other stuff) while a few neighbors and some tag-alongs none of us had met before kept pace with the appropriate number of beers. Fun to meet new folks and have them fit right in to the serious hazing that this group commits on each other.

AND. Before the crowd arrived I went out to admire the Jag, and suddenly I heard the doors unlock and Keith was right behind me and we took off. Oh. My. Goodness. If the sleek ride didn't get me, the automatic butt-warmers surely would. Not sure how I feel about a car that has way too many interior controls for me to understand and is able to determine on its own what needs to happen so that you don't have to understand the controls anyway. Hal the Jaguar. I hope it's the first of many test drives!

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