Wednesday, December 07, 2005

A white knight

Names removed for privacy, but on a day when the weather was ghastly in midtown Anchorage at evening rush, this small episode touched me with its precious view into a friend's marriage of 23 years.

"On my way home from the office today I had my first flat tire ever. Loud, low rumble sound. Didn't know what it was, sounded like I was driving a big Mac truck. I called my white knight. He came in blue jeans and old clothes. Right there in front of God and everybody, he changed the tire, put on the little donut tire, and we both went home. Freezing rain, snow, sleet and hail was falling at the time. I was impressed. He said he has changed hundreds of tires. Funny thing, it doesn't seem like I have seen him change hundreds of tires. Maybe he has saved more damsels in distress than I could ever know."

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