Thursday, December 01, 2005

Hunter gets a job

I am so very proud of my boy. Today was the first day of our experiment with having Hunter accompany me to work two days a week here at Nancy's home. He was wonderful. He was completely unobtrusive, occasionally connecting with me or Nancy or Darla, but mostly just curled up in his assigned 'cubicle' without a sound. (I just realized this is a tongue shot - for a second I thought he had a kong in his mouth but we don't got no kongs there!) With my mom gone, this generous accomodation from Nancy has taken tremendous pressure off me as the three days per week that I work here, I'm on the far east side of town and can't reasonably get home to Hunter during the day. So he'll come to work two days, and be in daycare one day. Another lovely part of the arrangement is that taking Hunter and Emma for a midday walk is now part of my job description.

This afternoon it seemed deserted in my corner of the house, so I looked around and happened onto this staff meeting in Nancy's office - Hunter is already making strides into office politics by sucking up to the boss!

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