Sunday, July 16, 2006

The Elephant Dog

The other night Hunter was licking his left hind foot and I realized that it was bleeding. Profusely. But I couldn't figure out from where, which puzzled me no end but the bleeding stopped finally. Never did find a wound per se, but there was sort of a raised white area on the side of his toe.

Fast forward two days (to yesterday) and our visit to The Holy Man, who believes that Hunter had an abscess. In the meanwhile he'd been licking that foot a lot so it's a mess, and now we are living in Conehead land and having lots of topical meds. Ron is speculating that it's a contact reaction, maybe to grass? which hasn't ever happened before and I would hate to think would be starting now. While we were there, he looked at all of Hunter's feet, and sure enough one of his front feet had the tiniest little bump on one of the pads, maybe the size of a pencil eraser.

By this morning the pencil eraser was the size and heft of a fat grape and had a twin appearing on the next toe. Poor Hunter. He's clearly miserable and his feet are turning into fat Frankenpaws as his toes succumb to this one by one. Starr is back with us for four days and hasn't been affected by whatever this is.


Phyllis said...

Poor Hunter!

Something's up with Ruthie lately, too. She's been itchy and has a hot spot on one hind leg. No sign of bugs, so I'm guessing allergies of some kind.

Crowzma said...

Ugh ... I hope this turns out to be transient ... something about feet hurting makes me squeamish.