Monday, March 27, 2006


This is the Average Price At Which I Would Sell Out, according to the Blogthings website. I went there this morning because the discerning professor Dephal posted the "What Kind of American English Do You Speak?" quiz, but quickly descended into more important things like my Beer Personality.


Crowzma said...

It's now official. You are cheaper than I am.

Shane said...

I spent some time there too. So, is it nessesarily a bad thing if one that was the most accurate was the "what kind of coffee are you?" quiz?

Knatolee said...

I'd sell out for $1,123,950. Except I don't really get it, since I answered "no" to every item on the list. (Hey, spiders are living beings! Wait, I eat chicken. Well, I ain't eating three bowls of spiders.) Shouldn't it be that I'd sell out for $10,000,001 or something??