Sunday, January 28, 2007

A cough before dying

I've been struggling with a deep chest cough or some kind of infection or I don't know what, for the last couple of weeks. Whatever it is, has been resistant to medication (well, resistant to wine and tequila therapy anyway). This has knocked the blog awry not because I haven't had time to write - missed some days of work last week with this - but because I don't seem to be able to string together any particularly compelling thoughts. I did, however, have an uneasy moment in front of the cough-and-cold display when the various animated renderings of television ads for these products began to twirl on the shelves in front of me.

1 comment:

Southern Latitudes said...

I know we live opposite ends of USA but it sounds like we've got the same cough. I've had my cough for over a month. I've been on Abx which helped but never cured it. I was on my inhaler-Albuterol for over a week to help me breath. It definitely was/is a doozy!