Monday, June 05, 2006

Was this wrong?

Keeping in the semi-ecclesiastical vein from last week... on a Saturday a couple of weeks ago, I started to think the universe was talking to me. Well, first, because I received an actual email from the Universe, which seemed to target precisely some of the things I'd been thinking about recently. It read in part: Dream of "the life," Peg, not the money. Because always, it's "the life" that draws the money, and not the other way around.

(Disclaimer: So sorry if I have disillusioned anyone else here who gets Notes from the Universe and may have thought until just now that each message is written uniquely for you and not for the whole herd. The Universe has to multi-task.)

That same morning, I drove on out to Chugiak to pick up mail. As I dug through the pileup of the last few weeks, I noticed on the sorting table a plastic packet with an illustrated card of St. Anthony (patron of miracles, as I'm sure you know), and one of those cheap little medals on a chain. I picked it up and flipped it over to read the prayer on the back, which read in part "Help me to humbly accept all of the bountiful blessings I am about to receive."

So I don't know exactly how much benevolent Providence one can expect by swiping icons of the saints, but I took him.

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