Tuesday, August 28, 2007

αυτός αστείος

That's the Greek for "that's funny," according to Babelfish (so God only knows what it actually means).

Anyway, that Nana is such a card. We were in the car when a report came over NPR about all the wildfires in Greece that started last week. I was already silently forming the punchline of a "a Greece fire" when my mom said it out loud. We chuckled, but then she slayed me with "And I bet they're putting water on it too."


Shane said...

Make sure you tell Nana that I quite literally just spat water all over my desk after reading that last line. That is pure comedy gold.

Shane said...

Also, props for taking the time to find the Greek characters for you title. I would have just put something lame like "Grandparents say the darnedest things."

Southern Latitudes said...

That was funny. I didn't spit liquid but I snorted, does that count? I see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Happy Birthday to Nana. My youngest had his birthday last weekend too.

It is so good to see you blogging again.

me and my GSDs said...

Peg, happy birthday to Nana!

I haven't kept up with your blog for ages, so let me give a huge but belated welcome to Piper!!

I had to laugh when I saw this: "Living with Piper is like living with a furry, irritated ox." Is that still the way things go? She is gorgeous, and I hope she is settling in well with you and Hunter now. The GSD crew and I send her hearty congratulations for ending up on her feet in a wonderful home with you.

NancyR and the GSD crew in Utah