Saturday, August 18, 2007

National Homeless Animals Day

Will anyone remember me?
I was just one in a million,
Of millions more, who walked
And breathed and lived, and died
When love ran out for me.

Does anyone remember me?
In that crowd of hopeful faces,
Does anyone notice my two bright eyes?
Or have the colors run together

And the faces disappeared
In a nameless river
That gathers and gathers
That washes against dark doors and sullen porches
And roars on to a savage sea.

Will anyone remember me?
Do I dance now in your dreams?
I walked and breathed and lived and loved
And I was one in a million.

Peg Banks, 2007


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful poem, but so heartbreaking.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Peg. Your poem is heart-rending...poignant...haunting...

Miss Athenry said...

i miss mully
and baby