Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A place to pour time right down the drain

Thanks to my buddy Pat, I am now aware of a perilous place called Etsy, which whispers oh-so-wholesomely while it ravages large pieces from one's life... Before, I only had (1) no money and (2) no talent for creativity. Now I have (3) no self-esteem and (4) no end to the envy of what people can (1) do and (2) make money at.


Anonymous said...

The siren song of commerce, eh? Maybe a little holiday of the spirit (sparklies make me swoon) where no packing is required. Someday I'm gonna DO that creative stuff but now, evidently, I just prepare to have hobbies...which means I've got enough raw materials, pieces and parts to build just about anything. What a good friend, huh? huh? =) pm

sibtigre2 said...

Thanks Peg...I really need one more place to spend my time (and money) at! :)

Knatolee said...

Ooooh! I love Etsy. Glad you found it! One day I'm gonna sell something on it.

Phyllis said...

I've happily spent quite a bit on etsy. And my sister has a store there: :-)